Simple, Practical, Science-Based Tips for a Long Healthy Life from Experts in Nutrition and Exercise Science It’s been a while since I posted a blog…. A trip to Scotland, Covid, and Helene all took a bite out of my September. Scotland was wonderful. If you haven’t travelled there, I highly recommend it. Of course, IContinue reading “F is for Fifty”
Tag Archives: Food & Fitness After 50
H is for Hydration
Simple, Practical, Science-Based Tips for a Long Healthy Life Post written by Dr. Bob Murray Most everyone understands that staying well hydrated is a good thing. We have all experienced what it feels like to be thirsty and we know firsthand what it feels like to be dehydrated as a result of physical activity orContinue reading “H is for Hydration”
Food versus Do No Harm: One Man’s Journey to Changing Dietary Habits
My husband, Rob Rosenbloom, wrote this guest post as he starts his journey into changing food habits. It probably isn’t what you think! I grew up in New Jersey in the 50s and 60s and like many families back in the day, family meals were commonplace, and it was expected that you ate what wasContinue reading “Food versus Do No Harm: One Man’s Journey to Changing Dietary Habits”
Steps you can take right now to stay functionally fit to support healthy aging
Healthy aging is “the process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables well-being in older age.” World Health Organization The United Nations has proclaimed 2021-2030 the Decade of Healthy Aging and I love the definition of healthy aging from the initiative. Why? Because it is focused on developing and maintaining function that allowsContinue reading “Steps you can take right now to stay functionally fit to support healthy aging”
Juicy fall apples and pears: pro tips on choosing the absolute best
I visited apple and pear orchards and blueberry farms in northern Oregon as part of the Alliance for Food & Farming Media Tour. I shared what I learned about conventional versus organic agricultural practices in a previous post (click here for the post). Today, I’ll share some pro tips from the experts on how toContinue reading “Juicy fall apples and pears: pro tips on choosing the absolute best”
Can’t sleep? Proven tips to help you get a restful night’s sleep.
“About 50 to 70 million Americans have sleep disorders, and 1 in 3 adults do not regularly get the recommended amount of uninterrupted sleep they need to protect their health.” National Institutes of Health Eat well, move well, and be well are three pillars of Food & Fitness After 50. This blog contains loads ofContinue reading “Can’t sleep? Proven tips to help you get a restful night’s sleep.”
Surprising reasons to eat canned foods for big health benefits
It’s not easy being a dietitan in a grocery store. People peer into your cart and say, “I can’t believe you eat processed foods!” It’s a great opportunity to let them in on a secret about “processed” foods found in the middle aisles. I want you to eat this processed food this November (and theContinue reading “Surprising reasons to eat canned foods for big health benefits”
Food & Fitness After 50: Want to Naturally Lower Your Blood Pressure? Here’s How.
High blood pressure doesn’t make you feel bad so you might not know that you have it until it is too late. What can you do to control it? The good news is that medications can control it, but did you know that dietary changes can be just as effective as some drugs? And, theContinue reading “Food & Fitness After 50: Want to Naturally Lower Your Blood Pressure? Here’s How.”