Simple, Practical, Science-Based Tips for a Long Healthy Life With hundreds of sessions to choose from at the annual food and nutrition conference, the one on the aging gut intrigued me. Plus, I admired the registered dietitian speaker, Dr. Carol Ireton-Jones, and knew that she and the physician, gastroenterologist, Dr. Mark DeLegge would deliver greatContinue reading “G is for Gut…the Aging Gut”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
B is for Balance
Simple, Practical, Science-Based Tips for a Long Healthy Life On a recent 3-week trip, I overheard a woman say, “I wish there was something I could do to improve my balance.” At a time in life when many older adults can afford to travel and have the time do so, they worry about poor balanceContinue reading “B is for Balance”
L is for Longevity
Simple, Practical, Science-Based Tips for a Long Healthy Life Post written by Dr. Bob Murray Just for a moment, let’s forget about recent news stories on the promise of anti-aging pills or the billions being spent by biotech firms in hopes of unlocking the secrets to healthy aging. For now, let’s focus on a simpleContinue reading “L is for Longevity”
Israel, Egypt, and Jordan: Delicious Eats
After a 3-week trip to Israel, Egypt, and Jordan, I want to share some of my favorite dishes with you. Many of you have seen my photos of the amazing sights…..the Old City of Jerusalem, the Pyramids, the tombs, and Petra (but, if you haven’t seen them, check out my Facebook page!) but I didContinue reading “Israel, Egypt, and Jordan: Delicious Eats”
Animal versus Plant Protein for Older Adults: Instead of Either/Or Try And/Both
Depending on your news feed, meat is either the biggest contributor to destroying the planet, should be avoided to prevent heart disease, or is a nutrient-rich food that is needed to help feed the over eight billion people on the planet. As with most headlines, we need to look beyond the clickbait and seriously considerContinue reading “Animal versus Plant Protein for Older Adults: Instead of Either/Or Try And/Both”
Simple Food and Fitness Messages Are Not Working to Make Us Healthier or Happier. How Can We Change That?
If any of these lines sound familiar to you, you’re not alone. Why do our friends, family, and even strangers find it acceptable to guilt or shame us on our food or fitness choices? And consider your own actions….do you say similar things to people you know? You may pass it off as “just kidding,”Continue reading “Simple Food and Fitness Messages Are Not Working to Make Us Healthier or Happier. How Can We Change That?”
Rewards, Challenges, and Insights After One Year into a New Eating Plan
A year ago, my husband of 48 years decided to stop eating meat and become a pescatarian. (Click here to read his guest post). His interest in the Buddhist philosophy of “do no harm” was the driving force behind his decision. Every year, we look back to evaluate our year and make new plans forContinue reading “Rewards, Challenges, and Insights After One Year into a New Eating Plan”
What supplements do 65-85-year-old adults need for optimal aging? Three tips to cut through the clutter.
A reader asks, “are there supplements, generally speaking, that people in the 65–85-year-old age group (particularly women) should be taking, or is each individual so different that making generalizations about supplements is not feasible?” My usual dietitian answer leans to the second part of the question, as we are more different than alike as weContinue reading “What supplements do 65-85-year-old adults need for optimal aging? Three tips to cut through the clutter.”
Can Creatine Help You Stay Mentally Sharp, Get Stronger, and Build Better Bones?
Why the interest in creatine? When 100-meter British sprinter Linford Christie won the gold medal the 1992 Olympic Games at the age of 32, he was the oldest athlete to accomplish that feat. To the sporting world, even more memorable than his winning time of 9.96 seconds was his use of creatine (pronounced Cree-ah-teen) andContinue reading “Can Creatine Help You Stay Mentally Sharp, Get Stronger, and Build Better Bones?”
How to Elevate Snacking for More Energy, Boosting Nutrients, and Feeding Your Muscles
Who snacks? Just about everyone! About ¾ of Americans snack at least once a day. For older adults here are three good reasons you should snack to increase your energy, boost nutrients, and feed your muscles: Many older adults have reduced appetites. When appetite decreases, it is challenging to get enough calories. In the mostContinue reading “How to Elevate Snacking for More Energy, Boosting Nutrients, and Feeding Your Muscles”