Food & Fitness After 50: Top 5 Exercise Tips

This guest blog post was written by Dr. Bob Murray In Food & Fitness After 50, we describe the importance of regular exercise for health and longevity.  We know that for many people, words such as “exercise”, “training”, and “workouts” are turn-offs, terms they can’t relate to and don’t want to consider as part ofContinue reading “Food & Fitness After 50: Top 5 Exercise Tips”

Food & Fitness After 50: Yes, Weight Loss is Possible after 50

I hear it all the time, weight loss isn’t possible after the age of 50. To be fair, it is harder to lose weight as we age. Biology conspires against us. Declining hormone levels, for both men and women, mean more fat is stored in the abdomen (the dreaded belly fat). For women, a pear-shapeContinue reading “Food & Fitness After 50: Yes, Weight Loss is Possible after 50”

Food & Fitness After 50: In my element with 12,000 dietitians

Greetings from Chicago, where I’m attending the annual meeting of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. I’m with my peeps…. all 12,000 of them! I’m often asked how I got interested in nutrition and why I became a dietitian. Like for many of us, parental influence was paramount. I first became aware of the powerContinue reading “Food & Fitness After 50: In my element with 12,000 dietitians”

Food & Fitness After 50: It’s Never Too Late to Get Strong

This guest blog post was written by Dr. Bob Murray A few year’s back, Patti’s college-aged daughter came home from a stint as a volunteer at the local hospital emergency room and declared, “Mom, you and dad have aged pretty well.”  It’s easy to understand how pleased Patti was to hear her daughter’s compliment, aContinue reading “Food & Fitness After 50: It’s Never Too Late to Get Strong”

Food & Fitness After 50: Joys of Adventure

I love to travel. Inevitably, someone always asks, “What’s your favorite place?” My answer is “the last place I visited,” so that means South Africa and Zimbabwe are at the top of the list. Travel brings so many riches, but one lesser mentioned treasure is the people you meet along the way. Meet Irina, oneContinue reading “Food & Fitness After 50: Joys of Adventure”

Food & Fitness After 50: The Power of Prevention

I was first introduced to Connie when I heard her sing the national anthem in front of 10,000 dietitians at the opening session of the annual convention of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Her powerful voice and engaging on-stage presence made me want to get know my fellow dietitian. Fast forward many years later,Continue reading “Food & Fitness After 50: The Power of Prevention”

Food and Fitness After 50: Family Meals Month

The Food Marketing Institute Foundation has established September as Family Meals Month. While the campaign is focused on getting families to eat at least one additional meal together each week, let’s look at what a “family” means to adults over 50. For many of you, your household may be shrinking for many reasons. Maybe your kidsContinue reading “Food and Fitness After 50: Family Meals Month”

Food & Fitness After 50: The Power of Journaling for Maintaining Weight Loss

Happy 66th birthday to my husband, Rob. So, disclosure, this post is about my terrific spouse, but I promise there will be a nicer birthday gift than just writing about him! Rob attributes his healthy aging to regular physical activity and being married to a dietitian (smart man!) He has always maintained a healthy weight,Continue reading “Food & Fitness After 50: The Power of Journaling for Maintaining Weight Loss”

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