I’ve heard it before, “I don’t use the salt shaker so I don’t have to worry about salt intake.” Wrong. Seventy-five percent of the salt in our diets comes from the salt added by food processors so even if you don’t touch the salt shaker you are getting more salt than you realize. The 2010Continue reading “Cut the salt”
Author Archives: chrisrosenbloom
Healthy Aging
Healthy aging isn’t an oxymoron. You can be healthier and more fit at 60 than you were at 40 if you exercise–both aerobic exercise (brisk walking, jogging cycling, etc) and weight training or resistance exercise. While most of us know that aerobic exercise is important for good health, as we age strengthening our muscles mayContinue reading “Healthy Aging”
Forty ng/mL? That is the level of vitamin D (also called serum 25(OH)D3) in my blood but what does it mean? Vitamin D is one of the most talked about nutrients and for good reason–along with calcium it is critical for building and maintaining healthy bones, but vitamin D is also one of the mostContinue reading
Nutrients for healing
After the recent blast of cold air that blanketed the country, including the deep south, I had planned to write about comfort foods and share my favorite soup recipes, but then I fractured my wrist and have been focusing on healing nutrition. Working with athletes for many years has given me a glimpse into theContinue reading “Nutrients for healing”
Fit to Eat by Chris Rosenbloom, PhD, RD
Happy New Year! For five years I wrote a weekly column for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution titled “Fit to Eat.” As newspapers continue to shrink in size, scope, and importance, I will carry my column forward in this blog. As a nutrition professor and registered dietitian, I will write about food, nutrition, and fitness and hopeContinue reading “Fit to Eat by Chris Rosenbloom, PhD, RD”