Specializing in promoting optimal aging
Chris Rosenbloom Food & Nutrition Services
About Me
“I wanted to be a dietitian since I was 13 years old. The caption under my photo in my high school yearbook says, “future dietitian.” I could not have chosen a better profession.”
Christine rosenbloom
I started my consulting business after a 30-year career in academia. My journey has led me to combine my interest in sports nutrition with my academic training in gerontology to produce an award-winning consumer book, Food & Fitness After 50, co-authored with exercise expert, Dr. Bob Murray.

My goal is to promote eating well, moving well, and being well to a wide range of audiences; from consumers to health professionals. I do that through:
- Writing my blog, Fit to Eat
- Developing and delivering engaging presentations on healthy aging
- Conducting webinars on aging well
- Writing for social and traditional media on topics of most interest to active older adults.
I am a nutrition professor emerita (a fancy word for “retired”) at Georgia State University. Learn more –>
For 30 years I taught undergraduate and graduate students in nutrition and health, nutrition and aging, sports nutrition, medical nutrition therapy, and nutrition and the media. I conducted research and published in top tier peer-reviewed journals. I also gained leadership experience in administrative positions as department chair and as associate dean for academics. Prior to joining the faculty at Georgia State, I worked as a clinical dietitian in cardiac rehabilitation in Atlanta, Georgia.I started my media training in traditional media as a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and as a regular guest on a “new” Atlanta-based cable news channel, CNN. Learn more –>
As the media landscape has changed, I have pivoted to a robust social media presence. Learning to communicate in 240 characters was a challenge after writing a weekly 500 to 1000-word column for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution for 5 years. Adapting to new communication techniques to get my messages across has resulted in an increase in social media followers, reaching new audiences every day.I also work as the scientific advisor to a premier food influencer conference, FoodFluence™. Learn more –>
Working with conference originator and developer, Stephen McCauley of The Ginger Network, we shape presentations for the top food and nutrition media experts bringing emerging research, world-renown speakers, and committed sponsors together for a yearly conference. Our conferences have been held in London, Vienna, Lisbon, Toronto, and Budapest to immerse participants in 4-days of culture, science, networking, and fun (and with great food, too).
As an active member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, at the local, state, and national level, I was awarded a lifetime achievement award in 2019 for my service. The Medallion Award is like the Gold Medal of the nutrition Olympics!
Blog: Simple, Practical, Science-Based Tips for a Long Healthy Life
Tips for food and fitness after 50, 60, 70, and beyond. It’s never too late to eat well, move well, and be well.
Food & Fitness After 50
Food & Fitness After 50

Eat Well, Move Well, Be Well
Christine Rosenbloom PhD, RDN, FAND and Bob Murray PhD, FACSM
The Top 10 Questions About Food and Fitness After 50
Read here
Media & Press
TV Appearances, Blog Posts, Podcasts & Interviews.
Read here.
Book Reviews
Amazon Reviews
Read here
Resources for Optimal Aging
For a list of trusted resources, Read here.
Work With Us
There is an increasing need for experienced, enthusiastic,
and engaging experts who translate the science of healthy
aging into practical applications.
Read here
Assess your weight and strength here.

Publications and Press
Publications and Press

- Healthy Aging Tips for Retire Right Podcast
- Food & Fitness After 50 (One Small Bite Podcast)
- What’s the Best Diet and Exercise for People over 50? (Nutrition Diva Podcast)
- Liz’s Healthy Table Podcast Episode 33: Food & Fitness After 50 with Christine Rosenbloom, PhD, RDN
- Sound Bites Podcast Episode 082: Food & Fitness After 50 – Chris Rosenbloom

- Best Meal Replacement Shakes (US News & World Report, March 2024)
- Masters Athletes (Today’s Dietitian, March 2024)
- Age-Related Muscle Loss and Strength (Today’ Dietitian, August/September 2023)
- 11 Superfoods for Heart Health (AARP)
- How Much Water Should you Drink in a Day? (U.S. News & World Report)
- RDs Share Their Favorite Shopping Tips and Usage Ideas (Alliance for Food & Farming)
- Strawberries, Spinach, Kale: High on the “Dirty Dozen List.” (WebMD)
- Can Ultra-Processed Foods be Part of a Healthy Diet? A Closer Look at the Research. (Clean Eating)
- Need a Pandemic Change? Go Mediterranean Diet (WebMD)
- 13 Processed Foods That Are Actually Good For You (AARP)
- Nutrition Surprises for Senior Planet
- Seven Super Foods to Eat After 50 for AARP
- Five Foods to Say No to After 50 for AARP
- Sponsored Blog Post for Alliance for Food & Farming
- The Top 10 Questions about Food & Fitness After 50 (Nutrition Today)
- Food & Fitness for Older, Active Adults (ACSM Health & Fitness Journal)
- Quick and Dirty Tips: What’s the Best Diet and Exercise for People Over 50?
- More Than Ever We Need “Polypills” and “Activity Snacks” (Cut to the Chase Nutrition)
- Trying to Lose Weight? Eat this for Breakfast (Silver Sneakers)
- 10 Ways to Start Losing Weight (Silver Sneakers)
- 6 High Protein Breakfasts when you’re Sick of Eggs (Silver Sneakers)
- The Impact of Exercise on the Brain (Today’s Dietitian)
- Healthy Aging and Tai Chi (Chicago Tai Chi)
Work with Me
Work with Me
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From Atlanta, Georgia to Zurich, Switzerland and just about everywhere in between, I’ve taken the stage to deliver engaging presentations to audiences of 10 to 1000. Some of the topics include:
- Is 70 the New 40?
- Dietary Supplements for Older Adults: Help, Hope, or Hype?
- If You are What You Eat, are You Fast, Cheap, and Easy?
- Immune Supporting Diet: Is there Evidence for Vitamins and Minerals to Fight the Coronavirus?
- Beyond the Headlines: Separating Nutrition Science from Science Fiction
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Delivering webinars is an easy, effective way to interact with audiences. Live webinars that are recorded for later viewing are a powerful way to reach a variety of audiences. I’ve developed webinars for:
- Food industry clients (General Mills, Clif Bar)
- Trade organizations (The Grain Foods Foundation)
- Commodity groups (National Cattleman’s Beef Association)
- Aging organizations (International Association on Active Aging)
- Health professional organizations (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and their affiliates, the dietetic practice group of Sports, Cardiovascular and Wellness Dietitians, The American College of Sports Medicine, and Today’s Dietitian)
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Sponsored blog posts help advance a client’s business goals while providing credible, evidence-based information to consumers. I support sponsored posts with social media messaging to drive more views of the posts. Some of my clients include:
- International Association on Active Aging
- The Grain Foods Foundation
- Clif Bar & Company
- National Cattleman’s Beef Association
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I write for a wide variety of audiences. have honed the ability to translate research into informative and engaging content. I publish in dietetic practice group newsletters to the Journal of Gerontology, as well as hundreds of website articles. My academic and research background lends itself to writing research and technical reports for industry or for dissemination in peer-reviewed journals. I have also served as guest editor of conference summaries published as journal supplements.
My consumer book, Food & Fitness After 50, was published in 2018. I served as editor for 3 editions of Sports Nutrition: A Practice Manual for Professional, deemed the “bible” of sports nutrition.
The Press & Publication page contains samples of my work.
(Updated November 2024)
I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and a Licensed Dietitian (LD) in the state of Georgia. I run a nutrition business, Chris Rosenbloom Food & Nutrition Services, LLC, (chrisrosenbloom.com) to provide nutrition consulting services to health professional organizations, food commodities, and food companies. I also work with The Ginger Network, an independent marketing communications firm. For 30 years, I taught nutrition at Georgia State University in Atlanta and now hold professor emerita status. In addition, I write book chapters, food and nutrition articles in peer-reviewed journals, and articles of general interest to consumers online and in print.
I will never provide information that I know to be false or misleading. Nutrition is a science that is constantly evolving, providing new evidence for dietitians and consumers to consider. As such, sometimes my views on a food or the nutrition science will change, but only if the strength of the science warrants a change. All the views expressed in my writing are my own. When I obtain information at a sponsored conference, I will disclose the sponsor and use the hashtag “#sponsored.” Occasionally, I receive free samples of foods or new products, and I will only write about them if the product aligns with my professional and personal values. It will not influence the accuracy or honesty of my content. I will disclose if the product was a freebie.
Press Trips
Occasionally, I am invited to go on a press trip. The purpose of a press trip is to allow writers to visit places and events they normally would not have access to. If I write about a place or what’s produced there, I will identify the posts as #Sponsored or #Sponsored Travel. I will only write about a place if I gain new insights and think that readers might enjoy it, too. I am not asked or paid to write about the trip. As a registered dietitian, I am interested in learning about all aspects of food production; from the farm to the table, and press trips allow me to visit with farmers, see a harvest, and watch the processing and packaging of a product. For example, I took a trip to Virginia to see how peanuts are grown, harvested, and processed. Talking to the farmer about climate challenges, pest management, and the ups and downs of crop yield was a valuable experience that I wouldn’t have gotten by reading a press release. I was also invited to be a participant in a program, Women of Seafood, by Trident Seafoods, to learn about Alaska fishing, processing, and transport of seafood. Boarding a fishing trawler, talking to the captain about safety, and watching fish being caught and processed was a unique experience that taught me about seafood, but also gave me a personal connection to many experts in the field that I can call upon for information.
Over the past 10 years I have worked with the following companies, professional organizations, or publications. I work with companies that I believe in and that match my values.
- The Ginger Network
- Clif Bar & Company
- Cannedbeans.org
- General Mills
- Tivity Health
- Enhanced Recovery Sports Drink
- USA Swimming
- Nutrition Today
- Hass Avocado Board
- Gatorade Sports Science Institute
- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
- Food & Nutrition Magazine
- Aegis Shield
- International Food & Nutrition Information Council Foundation